Tag Archives: Menswear

Holiday Gift Guide: Men

The Holiday Gift Guide for Women has been done (check it out here), and now it’s time to get creative and find some unique and useful gifts for the men in our lives. Whether it be our fathers, brothers, or boyfriends, this gift guide will be rather extensive and hopefully will help you in finding the perfect gifts for the amazing men in your life.

1. Black Leather Flask & Cigar Set $69.95

Does your father/boyfriend love to indulge in cigars? Then this stainless steel and leather flask and cigar gift set is a great gift for them. It’s unique and for a cigar smoker, this would be a nice little accessory for their Cubans and their Jack. Get it Here.

2. Urban Outfitters “What Happened?” Bandage Kit $7

“Baby, what happened?”, him “Ninja Fight”, you look at him like “What the…”, he lifts his sleeve up and there it is. The  explanation. On a band-aid. “See…”. Yes, this will happen. I’m pretty sure my boyfriend will injure himself “jousting” while he plays Skyrim on the couch. The band aid will be the verification. This gift is funny and unique! Makes a great stocking stuffer! Get it Here.

3. MUST HAVE Video Games: Skyrim, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 & Battlefield 3 $60 each.

Skyrim: I actually LOVE this game. It’s fun to just watch my boyfriend for hours (I’m serious, HOURS) play this. The graphics are out of this world, and the story lines go off in so many directions that you will NEVER be bored playing, or watching. I highly recommend this single player RPG game.

Call of Duty: First Person & Third Person shooter game with lots of fighting and adventure.

Battlefield: Single player, or multiple online game play. They get to be a U.S and battle in various cities across the word! Woot Woot!

Trust me, he wants at least ONE of these. You’ll thank me later.

Get Skyrim here.

Get Call of Duty here.

Get Battlefield 3 here.

4. Dents Driving Gloves $75

Before you say anything, driving gloves have become so popular in menswear. I personally think they’re super hot. Not to mention, Ryan Gosling has been seen sporting them. So, if you want to give your boyfriend some Ryan Gosling sex appeal, get him these gloves. I’m already swooning. The gloves are the exact ones Ryan is wearing. Get them Here.  Also in Black.

5. Barney’s New York Silver Tie Bar $65

With the rage of all things Mad Men, tie bars have made a huge comeback. I personally love the clean and simple ones like this one. Made of silver, the man in your life will be looking dapper like Draper in no time. Get it Here.

6. Vinturi Wine Aerator $39.95

This awesome gadget allows your wine to air as you pour it so you no longer have to wait to enjoy that glass of wine! I’ve used one of these before and the taste without using this vs using this is very different. I highly recommend this and it’s quite an impressive gift to give the man in your life! I know my father and boyfriend would both love this as they’re total winos! Get it Here.

7. Ben Sherman Black Messenger Bag $99

A good messenger bag is always in style. Whether it’s for work or travel, having a bag that’s not camo or made of duty-free bags is a must. Most guys don’t think about how important it is to have a place to put your laptop, magazines and all other “stuff”. This classic and clean messenger bag from Ben Sherman is a great staple for any man’s wardrobe. It will help keep them organized while looking stylish. Besides, backpacks belong in middle school. Get it Here.

8. Thallium Cologne $24.19

This cologne has the best scent I have ever smelled. It’s sexy, clean, and just…perfect. Imagine those silly AXE commercials, that’s what it is really like with this scent (BTW, never buy AXE, that stuff smells…funny). Get it Here.

9. A Sperry Top Sider Boat Shoe $64.99

A boat shoe is a such a classic shoe in menswear. The great thing about these shoes is that they are SUPER durable and comfortable. A classic tan color is the best option. They go with denim, khakis and shorts! They also can transition from Summer weather to Fall weather in a jiffy! These are a stylish alternative to a regular sneaker. Get It Here.

10. VuPoint iPhone Photo Printer $99.99

If the men in your life aren’t super into fashion, this is a great gift that is tech-savvy and sentimental. Easy to print your photos by simply using the iPod dock and basically..pressing print! Now you can add pictures to your pictures frame with the touch of a button. With similar gadgets going for over $150, this one (at $99.99) is a steal! Get It Here.

11. Creative Recreation Cesario $68

The white soled sneaker is hot, hot, hot this season. Why not get your man on trend this Christmas? These trendy kicks from Creative Recreation are under a $100, and are on my top three white soled sneakers for men. Get It Here.

12. Phillips Norelco Vacuum Beard Trimmer $40

Are you sick of your man leaving unwanted hair all over the bathroom counter? Well with this AMAZING new trimmer with an integrated vacuum system, your father, husband, brother, or boyfriend can shave and leave the bathroom, or anywhere else they choose to shave, hair and mess free! Woo hoo! Get It Here.

13.  Herschel Ravine Duffel Bag $82

A gym that’s stylish? Yes, there is such a thing. Sure, men don’t mind sporting a Nike or Adidas gym bag, but those who want something that’s durable, looks stylish, and can be used for the gym, and travel, this is the perfect bag. The black bag with brown trim is stunning and so sharp. The understated look of this gym bag is what appeals to me! Get It Here.

These are just a few of my favorite gift ideas! All stylish and all under $100!

For more daily tweets on great gift finds follow me on Twitter or on my Facebook as I post a few times a day! Until Christmas, I’ll be posting other gift ideas (some may be over $100)! You can also e-mail me if you wish to be discreet about what you’re looking for, or just say HI! LeFashionMonster@gmail.com!

Happy Holidays! I hope your shopping is too stressful this year!

Very (dot com) Excited

Another day, another contest!

Very.com is an online department store that literally is on point with the hottest trends for every season. This British force of fashion faboulousness is branching out across the pond. Very.com is filled with incredible women’s and menswear that will very much keep you very stylish.

If you’re looking for a glamorous cocktail dress, then Very.com is your one-stop shop as their collection of unique dresses is what really caught my eye. But what truly caught my attention was their TRENDS section! This clever tab gives you up-to-date trends that are currently being coveted in fashion. This site is like you’re very best friend!

The site is having a  contest and I would really like to win! After perusing the pages of silky tunics, sparkly cocktail dresses, cozy sweaters, precious prints, and basically every fashionistas needs, I knew I had to take part. If I can say “Ooh, I want that” more times than I catch my breath, then this one is for me!

As a reward to those who vote, I will be hosting multiple giveaways featuring products I will receive from the giveaway.

MEN & WOMEN can vote as the giveaways will be for both menswear and women’s wear! The site has both women’s and men’s clothing!

So, PLEASE vote for me! When you vote, leave a comment saying you VOTED, and you will be AUTOMATICALLY entered to win the GIVEAWAYS!

Tweet me if you  voted too!

Thank you SO much in advance 🙂

If you can’t find me, look at “Recent Entries” and look for Deniz Senkan and this picture:

So please, vote for me. Once you vote; here are the ways to win:


2. Comment on this post to say you voted.

3. Tweet me that you voted.

Stay tuned because I cannot wait to share the winnings with YOU!

*This is a sponsored post.





Ask Deniz: White Men’s Blazers

Question:  I got a nice new white blazer. what kinda shirt do i wear with it? how about pants? can give you several suggestions?

Answer: Blazers are a classic staple in any man, or women’s wardrobe. They can instantly define your look and add sophistication to any ensemble. For men, a blazer should be your go-to item for every outfit, whether it’s daytime or nighttime. White is always a great warm-weather option as it’s light and can bring a sharp edge to any look.

Here are some tips to rock a white blazer without feeling too 80’s.

When wearing a white blazer with jeans, or any kind of denim, keep the sleeves pulled down. Avoid scrunching them, it can appear too sloppy and dated. Jeans are the casual staple, so make your blazer is fitted and perfectly rolled down to take the super casual vibe down a bit.

If you’re wearing a white blazer with a T-shirt, make sure your jeans are dark, or opt for a fitted slack. Stick to basic T-shirts, the more detailed, the sloppier. You want to clean, and sharp.

When wearing your white blazer with a dress pant be sure to have a neutral color slack. Do not go for white-on-white…it just doesn’t look right and can be hard to pull off. A khaki or even navy pant is clean, and black always works.

I love colorful button downs with white blazers, it definitely adds a nice pop. But since white is such a bold color and stand out, opt for more pastel-like hues. Baby blue is my personal favorite with khakis…add that white blazer and voila!

One of my favorite looks is from a DETAILS magazine shoot with Robert Pattinson:

If solid pastels are not up your alley, try a nice slim striped button down. Maybe a soft navy stripe will do the trick? If you want something bolder, do a coral stripe, or green.

When it comes to shoes, the cleaner the better. I personally love a nice oxford or loafer, or any kind of dress shoe. A blazer adds a bit of class to any outfit, so the shoe matters. If you’re more urban-chic, opt for a clean sneaker…I love Creative Recreation, but of course, Converse is always a classic.

Depending on your personal style, wear it how you feel best. These tips are just a few suggestions.

A white blazer should be the compliment to the outfit you already feel confident wearing. So, be sure your base look makes you feel good and the blazer will do it’s job right.

Ask Deniz

As of today, a new section has been added to the site. It’s the Ask Deniz category which will allow me to answer any questions you got.

This is open for both men & women and can be about fashion dilemmas, fashion tips, fashion advice, or even personal questions directed toward me.

Every week I will answer 1-2 questions in depth so I can accurately and effectively give you the answer you seek!

I’m not saying I’m a know-it-all, but I enjoy blogging and definitely feel like I can offer some good input with whatever you ask. As a stylist and buyer for the clothing boutique that I also manage, I have gained knowledge and have hands-on experience with fashion, the fashion industry and fashion dilemmas. I also enjoy feedback, post requests and getting to know my followers as I don’t just blog for myself, but for you!

I will keep all information (Name, Location, E-mail) confidential and will only post the question submitted that I will be answering.


You can also get instant replies via Twitter! So be sure to follow as I would love to Tweet with you!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I look forward to talking with you!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -Deniz xo


Spring/Summer 2011 Menswear Trends

Part 2 is here! If you haven’t checked out Part 1 of the Spring/Summer 2011 Trends in Menswear yet, you can do so by clicking here.

This posts as well as all my menswear posts are made to be fun for you, my readers. Of course, I don’t consider anything to be fact, just observation and opinion. Fashion is supposed to be fun and express who you are and whatever you wear, is always in style, as comfort and individuality never fades. I hope you enjoy my menswear posts as I am slowly dipping my toes into the menswear pool. I love menswear and for me, experimenting with blog posts is a great way for me to learn as well as share what I have learned.

So kick back, and relax…here’s part 2.

1. The Tennis Short

Who says you have to be pro to sport a pair of tennis shorts? A shorter alternative to cargo and khaki shorts, these tennis shorts are lightweight, and super preppy. If preppy is not up your alley, then you probably will stick to your longer length shorts, which is great, as those are always stylish. For those who aren’t afraid to show a little leg, these shorts are a great silhouette and perfect to give you the “I’m heading to the courts then heading to my yacht” look. Tennis shorts are very old-school, which add a pinch of elegance when worn.

Image via

The above are shorts from Z Zegna are a perfect image of what to look for when shopping for tennis shorts. They are clean and mid-thigh which makes them easy to wear no matter what you’re doing! Throw on a polo, a t-shirt, and add a clean blazer and you’re ready to enjoy a day filled with sunshine.

I’d say stick with white as it’s such a clean, crisp, and chic color, but if it’s too daring for you, black always works. This Y-3 YOHJI YAMAMOTO beach short is a great version for a darker tennis short.

2. RED Hot

Red is one of the hottest colors of the season so get your feet wet with the color of the moment and invest in something that will add some spice to your life…or wardrobe. A red chino, a red cotton-blend blazer? If those are too bold for you, then just throw on a red T-shirt. Small price to pay for a red-hot look. If red isn’t your color, orange is an other staple color. Orange-you-glad that you have more than one option?

This Lacoste Polo is the perfect plunge into the red-hot trend.

Don’t go overboard with this color, as it should be an accent to your look. Once you’re comfortable with the color and want to branch out from polos and t-shirts, a great red windbreaker or blazer, and perhaps a pant is a great way to add red into your closet.  It’s a great color to play around with, so don’t be scared and take a chance.

3. Playing with Patterns

Stripes with stripes with stripes? Stripes with stripes with plaid? Plaid with plaid? Yes…you can. At first seeing this trend, I was rather weary. But then GQ showed looks with playful mixed patterned and I immediately changed my mind. Of course, this trend is a little more difficult to attempt as it is quite bold.

Here are images via GQ that show the various ways to mix your patterns!

4. Navy

Navy always gets mistaken for a Fall/Winter color, but to me, it’s screams Spring/Summer. It’s the turquoise of womens wear to menswear. Navy looks great with white, camel, gray and various brights. Sport a navy blazer, navy boat shoes, navy polos, and navy khakis. Navy is always in style, and investing in such a classic and versatile color is great for your wardrobe.

A navy blazer adds a bit of country club chicness to a pair of a khaki’s, or even colored chino. Navy blazers are definitely one of my favorite staples for menswear.

Image via

7. Gray Denim

Gray is not just for the Fall, this Spring gray denim is all over the place.  A great neutralizer for colorful outerwear and tops, gray denim is the perfect denim to have in your closet. It’s versatile, and there is a variety of shades to choose from. If you’re a light gray lover, charcoal gray lover, or a dark gray lover, you’ll find a pair that you’ll love as their stocked up in every denim shop.

These super sleek gray skinny jeans from COMMUNE are a great color and perfect for spring.  These aren’t exactly a denim, but they work. If you want more of a denim feel and look then try these from CRATE:

or these from 7 for All Mankind:

There are so many styles available, so whatever you feel comfortable in is best!

8. Cool Cardigans

Say BYE-BYE to the basic solid cardigan! Punch up your wardrobe with unique colors, and various patterns to allow your outfit to stand out, and keep your warm during a chilly night. A white cardigan with coral and blue stripes? A red cardigan? Whatever tickles your fancy, do it. It’s springtime, in with the new, and in the bold.

Here are just a few examples of what I mean:

For those who want a little contrast, but want to stay neutral:

Images via

Spring/Summer 2011 Trend Report: Menswear

Spring is here and that means it time to store your heavy coats, boots, and thermals! Spring forward in fashion with some great trends for the season. Whether you’re a fashion-lover or not, enjoy the season as it’s all about easy looks that keep your comfortable. This is a quick guide to some Spring/Summer 2011 trends that rocked the runways and that can rock your wardrobe.

Spring/Summer is all about color and the mixing of textures. Although light colors are always chic and perfect for any occasion, this year it’s all about standing out in some bold and bright colors. Accessories play a huge role this Spring/Summer too as woven belts are the perfect compliment to any pant, and gray faced watches lighten the hardware on your wrists. Mixing prints is also hot this Spring/Summer, so don’t be afraid to layer your stripes, or add some plaid to the mix!

Let’s begin the Spring/Summer 2011 Menswear Trend Report (Part 1)!

1. Boat Shoes

As stated in the previous menswear post, these comfortable, stylish and comfortable shoes are the perfect shoe to put some spring in your step. With such a variety of colors to choose from, it’s easy to add some color, or neutralize any outfit you sport. Opt for an orange, green, or red boat shoe and color block your outfit with a colorful pant and a neutral t-shirt, or tone down a colorful look with a basic black, white, camel, or navy.

Images via 

These Sperry Top-Siders are available in an array of colors and whether you want a bold color, a color block, or a perfect neutral, these are the classics of boat shoes. Also, Cole Haan has a great variety of boat shoes as well. To learn more about boat shoes, check out my earlier post: Boat Shoes.

2. A Cotton-blend Blazer/Sportcoat

Take a break from heavy jackets and enjoy the light and airy feel of a cotton-blend blazer. A cotton-blend blazer is perfect for a hot summer day, and for a breezy summer night. The lightweight fabric allows you layer lightly and adds an instant chicness to any outfit. A cotton-blend blazer is a centerpiece for any man’s Spring 2011 wardrobe, and with good reason!  You can find a variety of colors to choose from whether you want to neutralize an outfit with a camel colored blazer, or add some color with a red blazer…you really can’t go wrong! A tip, if you’re wearing a darker hue for a blazer opt for a lighter pant. If you’re wearing a lighter jacket then go for a darker pant. You want your outfits hues to compliment each other.

This chic camel blazer is a great staple, and it has a color block that is complimentary. The gray lapels are stylish and chic and can be worn with many outfits. This one is by Aviator the Rocker.

This powder blue blazer is gorgeous and just screams Spring/Summer. G-STAR is one of my favorite menswear lines and this cotton blazer is a great length and has great button detailing on the sides of the sleeves. If baby blue is not your hue, there are plenty of other colors out there! I’ll definitely blog about cotton blazers more to show you what is available in stores now.

3. Colorful Chinos

Add a splash of color to a basic white shirt with a colorful chino. Avoid the khaki-colored color and go for mint, red, or green. If you’re not that bold, navy and gray are always in style and still keep you on point for Spring 2011, but take a risk, you’ll enjoy it! If you’re really a fashion follower, then rock the color of the season: Orange. In order to tone down your look when sporting a colorful khaki, a basic gray or navy shirt is best. If you’re into prints, throw on a lightly printed button down to avoid a busy look.

This cool teal is an easy way to get your feet wet into the colored chino trend. It’s not too bold, and not too dark and is a versatile color. By CLOSED and you can sport these chinos cuffed or pulled down. Either way, these are a great and easy color to add to your wardrobe.

For those who want to stand out, these red chinos are for you. These chinos from LIFE/AFTER/DENIM are a great fit and length. If red isn’t your color of choice, there are so many colors of chinos out there like yellow, green, blue, pink, and orange. You’ll just have to find the color that suits you best! I will be creating a post dedicated to colored chinos, so stay tuned!

4. Short-Sleeve Fitted Button Down

A classic shirt with a more tailored look. Even if you’re not into tighter tops, don’t worry. Skin tight isn’t right, but fitted is always chic. Just like you would search for a tailored shirt for your suits, a fitted short-sleeve shirt is a great staple to wear with your khakis, or shorts. Tailored clothing is always in style as you want your clothing to fit just right. With such a variety of styles to choose from, it’s easy to find a short-sleeve shirt for any occasion.

Colorful shirts are key this season, and one of the hottest Spring 2011 colors for shirts is pink! Don’t be afraid to sport a pink top, it’s chic and stylish. If you don’t dare to go pink, opt for a print in your favored pattern, or go for a simple white. Seersucker is a fabric that is very popular for warmer climates, but be sure to pair it subtly. I’ll be doing a post dedicated to this trend, so check back soon!

This bold blue is a great color for a short-sleeve button down. It’s not too fitted, but tucked into a great pant, this is perfect. From Shades of Grey this is a great color to get you started as it’s quite basic and easy to mix and match. These shirts are great to wear with chinos if you’re into the color blocking trend, so opt for a color of the rainbow, maybe red…or green!

If color isn’t your thing then opt for a crisp white as it is always a classic. This one is by G-STAR and I personally love the double pockets and matching hardware on this. You can always opt for a solid, non-pocket shirt as well.

5. Colorful Plaid

Plaid for some reason always come back in style. Instead of robust, rich colors like red, opt for cooler hues like blue, pink, green. Not exactly pastel, but between bold and light, think a cool blue! Great with denim, or with a pair of chinos, plaid shirts seem to be here to stay…so get your country boy on and play!

This CRATE plaid button down is a subtle mix of blue and red. It’s not too bold, and not too simple. It’s a great color combo for denim and is bright enough to be worn at night. Versatility is key with plaid as it’s not always just a daytime shirt, sport one on a movie date. The plaid shirt was made to be simple, so don’t think too much about it and just throw it on and you’re out the door!

6. A Woven Belt

No tie? No problem. This season the go-to accessory is the woven belt. A belt is a great way to complete an outfit. Consider this accessory, the final touch to any look. With the woven belt, it’s easily adjustable for any body shape, and the look just screams Spring/Summer! It’s easy, not fussy and stylish. Pick a color that compliments your outfit’s palette, and voila! Black, Cognac and Gray are easy and versatile colors.

These woven belts (from Kmart ) are easy and super reasonably priced. If faux leather is not up your alley, then check out this Kris Van Assche leather woven/braided belt (below).

7. A T-shirt for Your Suit

You heard right. When suiting it up this season layer your suits with a cotton T-shirt. Sounds too good to be true? It’s not! This look has been seen on various runways and I personally think it adds a bit of relaxing vibe to a fitted suit. Be bold and add a printed shirt underneath. Why not add a striped Tee to your sleek suit? Of course the suit is a staple in every man’s wardrobe, and whether you’re rocking an easy breezy T or a button up shirt, having a snazzy suit is a must. To learn more about finding the perfect suit and making it your own, check out my previous post: A Definitive Guide to Suits.

An American Apparel T-shirt is your best bet, otherwise go for something a little more detailed if that’s what you like like this Cheap Monday T-shirt. The more basic though, the better! You want the suit to stand out, so just pick a comfortable T-shirt that you feel best in whether it’s scoop neck, v-neck, yellow or black! 

Phew! This was PART 1 of Menswear Spring/Summer 2011 Trend Report! I will post PART 2 soon as well as other posts that focus more in-depth with the current trends stated. Whether these trends are something you plan on wearing or not, I hope you enjoyed this post! Fashion is about expressing who you are, so whatever best expresses you, keep doing it! Thank you for reading and stay tuned for PART 2 and more menswear posts! 

Gifts For Him

It’s that time of year again where us women strive to find our mate’s that perfect gift. Lucky for you, I’ve been perusing the stores like a mad woman and have found some sweet treats for your honey…or friend.

Gifts don’t only have to be for your sweetie, but any man in your life, whether it be your brother, father, or best friend.

The thing about men is that they don’t need extravagant things. Sure you can buy them a PlayStation, or an iPad, but when it comes to clothing, it should be stylish and practical.

I hope these easy and necessary ideas help you out with your holiday shopping! The best part…Nothing is Over $200, and believe me…that’s hard, especially in menswear.

This chic yet practical cargo jacket is perfect to keep him warm and stylish, and cargo is super in this season. ALPHA INDUSTRIES McGyver $99

This comfortable and effortlessly stylish cardigan is perfect to keep him looking sharp and is a GREAT layering piece under any jacket, and the hood can be tucked in or worn over a jacket giving a unique twist to his look. BETA UNIT Button Down Hooded Sweater $187

Not your average sweater, the button details on the side make this CONVERSE BY JOHN VARVATOS sweater a must for any stylish man. $195

This gorgeous and intelligently detailed sweater is one of my top picks. I adore the black zipper and tie-strings which give this sweater a twist. I also adore the almost seamless pockets and the way they are placed…to me this NAKED  & FAMOUS Slim Hoodie is a must! $143

This awesome olive-green bomber jacket (also available in black) is the perfect jacket for a casual day look which can easily be transferred into nighttime. The material is great for cold weather, think wind breaker, and this DIESEL Jhor Lightweight Nylon Jacket is a great staple for every season! $140

Plaid is fab, and is such a great staple for every man’s wardrobe. There are so many variations and colors to choose from, this plum and black checkered long sleeve is a great color for Fall/Winter and is a great layering piece under a chic sweater. This PENGUIN Long Sleeve Woven Button Down with Round Collar is a great classic with a funky color twist! $89

This adjustable sleeve checkered top is a great basic color for every man’s wardrobe. TANIEL POGHARIAN Long Sleeve Shirt. $176

Other great gifts are SHOES…sneakers to be exact. There is such a specific kind of sneaker that can be worn to make a man’s outfit stylish…I wrote a post and found some AMAZING kicks for men, and they are also EXCELLENT gift ideas… Check out the post here: Kickin’ It

kickin’ it.

I have to say, men wearing sneakers or “kicks” either is extremely attractive, or extremely tacky. It’s all about the way you select your product.

Unless you’re going to the gym, please don’t wear running shoes, hiking boots, or anything ultra-sporty with your outfit. I beg you, as do the ladies. We only want to see you in sporty sneakers when you’re wearing workout shorts, and a fitted dirty shirt coming from the gym.

You can wear sneakers and make them look stylish, don’t wear them to fancier events, but as a part of your everyday look, they fit in quite nicely. Let’s start with the basics; the sleeker the better.

Chunky sneakers are not flattering, they tend to make your feet look clown-like, which in no way makes you appear cool or stylish. Look for a pair that is sleek and accentuates your foot in a good way.

I have been hunting for some good kicks for you guys for a few days now, and I am pretty confident with my list. I don’t claim to know everything about men’s fashion, but I know what most girls think, so everything I say should be taken as my personal opinion, and guide.

Let’s begin with these fabulous finds:




KR3W Grant


These are just a few kicks that I think can add so much so even the simplest outfits. Jeans, a white t-shirt, a cool coat or jacket, a scarf, and a pair of one of these fab finds…you’re going to break hearts all around you.

PART 2 coming soon, Sylish Must-Have Shoes for Every Man’s Closet. 

A Definitive Guide to Suits

*written by Mr Jason H is a menswear maven and is always in the know of what’s up and coming, and what is always classic.


A Definitive Guide to Suits

I work for a small dot-com company whose office is situated in a tower full of law firms – which means I have the luxury or wearing board shorts and flip-flops to work while being surrounded by middle-aged men in bulky, 80s-era suits. Thankfully, I’m not much of a board shorts and flip-flops kind of guy, but I still do a lot of mental-criticism with all the people I ride the elevator with.

I’m going to spill my mental knowledge of suits and tailoring, in the hopes that professional men everywhere will take note, and avoid the pitfalls that surround me daily.

The Suit

Unless you’re not living in this decade, or you’re over the age of 60 and just don’t care, you should aim for a slim and sleek silhouette. How slim you want to go depends on your age, physique and confidence, but most modern designers will be producing suits in the general slimness-range now.

Buying a suit goes one of two ways: you can opt for a more expensive bespoke suit, and have it tailor-made to your specifications, or you can buy an off-the-rack suit and have the tailor make minor adjustments to fit you. Note that in either case you are going to a tailor – if you don’t it’s not going to fit right.

In the case that you’re going off the rack, you’ll want to have the tailor take up the sleeves (the cuff should hit at your wrist bone), take the up legs (more on pant break below), and possibly adjust the arm width, leg width, and jacket width. The more you do, the more it will cost you, so it’s best to try to find a suit that already fits well in those areas. Tailors will rarely touch the jacket length, as it will ruin the proportions of the jacket to the pockets, so aim to have the back of the jacket just cover your butt.

Neil Patrick Harris in a slim Etro suit

Pant Break

The length of your pants also depends on your style, confidence, and the general look that you’re going for. A full break means that the fabric of your pant leg makes one hard fold while hitting your shoe. This look is very conservative, professional, and business-y – it’s what every old school tailor will do by default. A more modern approach is to go with a half break or no break. A half break will cause the pant fabric to bend a little before hitting your shoe, and no break means that the pant leg stops at your ankle. This summer, suits and khakis sporting no break and no socks was the thing to do, but for a professional environment you don’t really want to show your bare ankle – go with a half break and keep the socks on your feet.

Valentino model with no break in his pant legs

A Few More Notes

Okay, so you have your suit down, but a few more things you should know. Let’s start with the jacket lapel: those folds of fabric on the front of the jacket. There are a few variations, but the most common are the notch lapel, peak lapel, and the shawl lapel. You’ll generally find that most suits dawn the notch lapel, while the peak lapel is a little more formal, more high-fashion, and a shawl lapel is the most formal. A notch lapel is a good standard choice, but if you’re stylish enough to sport another variation, please do.

Kobe Bryant wearing a Gucci peak lapel suit. Above, NPH wears a notch lapel.

Next up, buttons. Leave suits with more than 3 buttons to NBA sportscasters. Two buttons are the best bet (only button the top button and unbutton it when you sit). One button is chic and a little more formal, but a little harder to pull off.

Two last notes about the width of your suit: if you stand against a wall and the wall touches your jacket shoulder before it touches your arm, the suit is too big. The jacket shoulders should stick out no further than your own shoulders. Finally, when the suit is buttoned, you should be able to fit the fist of your hand between the jacket and your chest – no more.

The Shirt

The shirt you wear under the suit is equally important as the suit itself, and even more so if you plan to take the jacket off. The number one thing that kills me is seeing people in shirts that sag, that pillow over the pant waist, or look like a balloon on the body.

A shirt can be bespoke or off-the-rack, but in either case you’ll again be tailoring it. As a general rule, the arm width should have just enough room to allow you to bend your arm without resistance, the arm length should extend a quarter-inch from the suit jacket’s arm length (or a quarter-inch under your wristbone – right where your thumb starts). A mistake is showing too much shirt sleeve under your suit; keep it sleek and trim.

The shirt body should be trim and fitted – get the back tapered or the sides taken in if the shirt is not snug. The length of the shirt depends on its use. If you’re only going to tuck it in, don’t mess with it. If you’re younger and also want to wear it untucked over jeans, take the back and front of the shirt up to hit around your side pants pockets.

The Shirt Collar

In general, you’ll see these popular variations of shirt collars: the straight or point collar (found on most button-down shirts – the points of the collar are close together and go down), the spread collar (the points shoot away from each other – you’ll want to pair this with a wider tie knot like a full windsor), and the button down collar (buttons attached to the points – think east-coast, oxford shirts).

The width and length of your shirt collar is a big factor in considering what tie and knot to wear. For thin ties and small knots, wear a smaller collar with points that are short and thinner than normal. For a bigger knot, choose a heavier, spread collar.

Drake in Emporio Armani and Tom Ford – skinny tie small collar, big tie big collar

A final note about shirts – make sure when buttoned you can comfortably fit a finger between the collar and your neck. Any more and it’s too big, any less and it’s too small.

Ties, Tie Length and Tie Knots

If you’re going along with our slim suit trend, then you’re going to pair it with a slim tie. This doesn’t mean you have to wear a sliver of fabric like a Dior runway model, but the width of a tie is much thinner today than in previous decades. Have a variety of ties of various (slimmer) widths that you can pair with different shirts and different knots.

A tie when tied around your neck should hit at the beginning of your belt buckle (or pant waist if you’re going beltless). This, like a pant leg, can go shorter if you’re slim and fashionable and a risk taker, but a safe bet is to keep it there.

There are many variations of tie knots that I won’t get into. A general four-in-hand knot is an asymmetrical knot that is very easy and works well with thin ties. I often do a variation of a four-in-hand that loops the tie around one additional time, giving my thin ties a little more hefty knot. If you’re doing a business, professional knot, opt for a windsor, or full windsor if you’re feeling really brash. Google tie knots and learn them!


There a few accessories that I consider must-haves. Firstly, collar stays. These are the little plastic things that go in your shirt collar and keep it from folding and looking bad. Throw away those cheap plastic ones that came in your shirt or from the dry cleaner, go to Bloomingdales and get some metal ones of various sizes (or ivory if you’re that guy).

Another trend right now are tie bars and pocket squares. Blame Mad Men and Don Draper for this – they were really popular in the 50s and 60s and have since made a comeback. Tie bars should never be wider than your tie and should be worn no higher than the breast bone (though they used to be worn much, much lower). I prefer the sleek straight pocket square, with again about a quarter-inch showing, but you can be a little less of a square and wear it casually stuffed in your pocket if you prefer.

Will Arnett in Dolce & Gabbana

Though this has nothing to do with what you wear – I’ll throw it in and say to go out and get some nice wooden hangers. They’ll make your closet look and smell better, as well as treat your clothes more nicely.


While writing that headline, I just reminded myself of that Youtube clip.. you know, “omg shoes”. But seriously, shoes.

The best investment I’ve made have been in my shoes. They’ve lasted years, work with tons of different outfits, and they’re the number one thing people notice. You can’t go wrong with a solid pair of thin, European, pointed toe leather lace-ups. If you’re wearing square-toe shoes right now, or those bulky dress-shoe-tennis-shoe hybrid things, pay special attention.

Ferragamo Revial – My black lace-ups

You should aim to own a few pair in both black and brown – lace-ups for suits, professional endeavors, or just to have a sleek look, and drivers or loafers for keeping it more casual. If you get a nice pair of loafers/drivers, you can wear them with your suit, khakis, or shorts.

Ferragamo Plinio Loafer

If you can’t tell, I’m partial to Ferragamo (for good reason!), but Gucci and Prada always make shoes I’m envious of too. For something cheaper, check out Reiss.

Ferragamo Newland – brown captoe oxfords

A few more of my anal retentive pinpoints: get a cobbler! Don’t shine your own shoes, leave it to a professional, especially if you are investing in an expensive pair. The cobbler can also clean gunk off your shoes, fix scratches, etc. Also, invest in a quality pair – minimal leather pieces on the shoe, leather sole, and they’ll last forever. Finally, buy shoe trees. When your shoes aren’t on your feed, keep them in shoes trees and in dust bags. Ask my girlfriend, my closet is full of shoes in bags. Your shoes won’t crease and they’ll smell nice (cedar shoe trees).

That pretty much sums up my suit know how. I could go into a few more things but at the end of the day fashion is whatever you want to do and how you do it. If you ignore everything I’ve written and wear something completely different, it’s awesome and it’s your fashion choice so long as you know what you’re doing and you’re confident about it. For the general public who are curious as to which buttons to button and how long their tie should be, take note!

Me – Dior suit, Dolce & Gabbana tie, bespoke shirt

Wardrobe Essentials for Fall 2010

NOTE: As this blog is dedicated to both men’s and women’s fashion, I have been grateful for all the knowledge that I have gained by branching out into the Men’s fashion world. Of course, I am inspired by the men that surround me, whether it be the man in the life, my great guy friends, or random male fashionista’s I see roaming the streets of Los Angeles, all I can say is, I’m blessed.

This blog, written by both me, and the extremely stylish Jason Harbert. All non-italic commentary is Mr. Harbert’s, or Mr. Fashion Monster ;), and all content in Italic is LFM’s!

This post is about Fall must-haves. The key pieces to every man’s wardrobe. Mr.Fashion Monster (it sounds so good saying that), has concocted a list of what he thinks should be the go-to pieces for men this Fall. His selections are both for the frugalista man, and the “charge my black AMEX” man.

Drum roll please…

Basically for the fall and winter I’m into dark colors, greys, chunky scarves and sweaters, fabrics with texture.. wool, cashmere, tweed.  Dark jeans with military-inspired boots, heavy coats.  Lots of layers.

1. Big chunky scarves.  What last year was to the keffiyeh, this is to now:

H & M scarf $19

I love chunky knit scarves. I think when layering a look, they are key to finalizing any outfit. I have seen some great ones at H&M, Neiman Marcus and J.Crew! Prices for scarves can range from $18-400. I say…load up on them!

2. Knit crewneck sweaters

J.Crew $59

Get It Here

J.Crew $98

Get It Here

I love knit sweaters because they can be worn solo, or over a crisp button-down shirt. Layer more with a cute pea coat or trench (great finds below), and a scarf and you are lookin’ straight out of GQ. I prefer the chunkier knit sweaters myself (see 2nd image).

3. Dark Accessories

Nixon "The Private" $120

Panerai 'Radiomir Black Seal' $8000

Nothing is more chic than a man who can accessorize.  Dark accessories are hot, hot, hot for Fall and these watches will make you look sharp, no matter your budget. Also, black or dark brown belts are another way to accessorize right!

4. Dark trench coats & pea coats.

Reiss Peacoat

Reiss Trench

Available at: reiss.co.uk

Schott NYC Peacoat $240

Get It Here

Obsessed with pea coats and trenches. I think they are so stylish, and so chic and really can make an outfit. Add a chunky scarf tucked neatly inside, is a great way to make your outfit pop with a pea coat or trench.

5. Tweed sports coats: not as visually striking as herringbone or houndstooth; soft and understated:

H&M Sportcoat $129

J.Crew sportcoat $265

Get It Here

Blazers can be worn either casually or professionally, which is why I think they are such a staple in every man’s wardrobe for EVERY season. For the Fall, tweed and different textures patterns add a little edge to the basic blazer. Wear it with jeans, a slack or even leather pants (if you’re into that).

6. Lace-up boots:

Various boots on different runways. Photo courtesy of GQ.

ALDO "Gringnon" Boot $150

ALDO "Horsford" $125

Available at: ALDO

Zegna Boots $695

Sure, work boots can seem to be very construction worker-ish…but when you can put them together with a sleek look above the boot, the boots can add that edge that is so sexy for Fall. When wearing the boots, don’t over accessorize…otherwise you’ll look like Criss Angel…and that’s never trendy, chic, or stylish.

Well…here comes my “punchline”…
